online pharmacies - Layout Patients in the Canadian drugstore #|' drug list according to officials. Where to buy cheaper drugs? Canada pharmacy %<,~ Canadian drugs tips when buying drugs online.
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This template also supports a wide variety of module positions and variations. All the modules are fully collapsible. If there is no module published in a certain position, this module position will contract and disappear.
With the module positions it is possible to have a nested right column or a right column equal to the left column.
Modules adjust to fit content vertically and horizontally. Many modules come in different colors and varieties. To switch between colors just set a module class suffix in the module properties.
This template supports two general layout option. The "left" module block with the sub menu can be aligned to the left or the right site.

Left aligned

Layout left with module positions

Right aligned

Layout right with module positions
Joomla Templates and Joomla Extensions by ZooTemplate.Com